
Morpheus8 Face * Morpheus8 Body * Morpheus8V
A new technology featuring radiofrequency microneedling!


Prioritize Health. Prioritize Vitality. Prioritize YOU.

How Morpheus8 works?

Radiofrequency microneedling is a new, safe, and effective solution for delivering life-changing technologies for skin tightening/resurfacing AND women’s wellness. This innovative device is designed specifically to treat a broad range of conditions in males and females dealing with issues such as skin laxity, deep wrinkles, acne scarring, stretch marks, excess fat in localized areas, AND is clinically indicated for mild to moderate incontinence, weak pelvic floor muscles, blood circulation, hormonal changes (dryness), and painful intercourse.

Performed in-office, with many options to keep you comfortable in your treatment, including topical numbing agents and self-administered nitrous oxide.  Don’t let horror stories of painful skincare treatments hold you back from the results you’ve been looking for!  Regain confidence and freedom in your skin!

Radiofrequency Microneedling with EMPOWER

Morpheus8 Face

Traditional microneedling has been utilized to build collagen and reduce the appearance of wrinkles for years.  Morpheus8 takes this treatment to new depths - up to 5mm depth on the face to target those specific fat pockets (under chin, full cheeks/jaw) - and combines the heat from bipolar radiofrequency to enhance the results at all treatment depths.  This triggers cellular turnover for visible skin resurfacing, reduction of acne scars, tightening of loose skin, collagen production, and reduced appearance of wrinkles and pores.

Morpheus8 Body

Utilizing the same bipolar radiofrequency technology - but applying it to the body.  The name Morpheus8 actually comes from the ability to reach new depths with microneedling - 7 mm with the proprietary body tip - PLUS an extra 1 mm of tissue stimulation with the addition of radiofrequency energy.  Our clients are loving this treatment to reduce the appearance of scars, subtly sculpt their shape by targeting localized fat, and provide a lift by tightening the skin and building collagen.  Excellent for improving appearance of crepe-skin texture, cellulite and scars/stretchmarks.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

By exposing the delicate tissue of the vaginal canal and external labia to radiofrequency energy, studies have shown an increase in collagen production and a tightening of the tissue.  When combined with microneedling and our VTone treatment (electrical muscle stimulation) to tone the muscles of the pelvic floor - you can not only create a more attractive appearance of the inner and outer labia, but relieve symptoms of stress/urge incontinence, vaginal laxity, painful intercourse, dryness, and much more. FINALLY - a non-surgical option to treat conditions that nearly all women will experience in their lifetime. 


Choose Your Path

All packages include 3 initial treatments spaced 30 days apart -  PLUS a FREE maintenance treatment at one year (up to $1100 value) AND a FREE medical-grade skincare system  (up to $472 value) to support healing and enhance results.


Frequently Asked Questions 

Got a question? We’ve got answers.

By creating nearly microscopic puncture wounds and then adding heat through radiofrequency energy, we’re sending signals to the body that trigger healing in those areas.  This will lead to tighter, lifted, smoother, and more plump skin.  Treatments can be applied to basically any skin on the body, including the vagina for treatment of an assortment of women’s health issues.

For first-time clients, we only offer a package treatment plan.  Studies repeatedly show that optimal results are achieved with 3 treatments spaced 30 days apart.  This coincides with the peak of collagen production in the healing phase.

While the peak of collagen production is about 30 days after treatment, the body will continue to produce new collagen for up to 90 days.  We like to advise our clients that their maximal results will be visible 5 to 6 months after their initial treatment (about 3 months after their final treatment).  

Technically the changes to your skin are “permanent”, meaning any new collagen you build and the improved appearance is not the result of any temporary product that will dissolve or wear off.  However, the skin will continue to age as skin normally would.  For this reason, we recommend a “maintenance” treatment every 12 to 18 months to help slow the overall aging process and allow you to enjoy your results longer.  We are THRILLED to be able to offer your first maintenance treatment completely FREE when you purchase your initial series of 3.  You’ll be able to schedule that maintenance treatment after about a year without any cost out of pocket.

For face and body, we find that you can expect to show signs of treatment (redness, minimal swelling, some “grid marks”) for up to 14 days after treatment.  However, most of our clients find that the first 2 days are the most obvious and after 48 hours, they are able to resume wearing makeup and feel mostly normal.  Full post-procedure skin care is provided to aid your healing process and enhance your results.

For radiofrequency and toning in the vaginal canal, there is no downtime at all.  If your symptoms indicate that the radiofrequency microneedling (Morpheus8V) will give you the best results, you’ll experience only 48 hours of internal restrictions.

We have invested significant time and money to ensure you are as comfortable as possible.  When treating the body and face, we can’t guarantee zero discomfort - but with the latest addition of self-administered nitrous oxide, we find that our patients have no complaints. All treatment appointments begin with 45-60 minutes of topical numbing.

For vaginal rejuvenation procedures, we typically hear that the procedure (including microneedling, if indicated) is nearly painless - though you’ll still have the option of nitrous oxide to help with anxiety or any minor sensations that might occur.

Let’s Work Together

Prioritize Health. Prioritize Vitality. Prioritize YOU.