
FormaV • VTone • Morpheus8
Minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment to improve the tone and appearance of your vagina and labia.  Clinically indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate stress incontinence.


About The Tailored Tulip

400,000,000 people worldwide are affected by incontinence.
1 in 3 women will suffer from stress/urge incontinence at some point in their lives.

76% of women experience decreased vaginal sensation over time (most commonly with the feeling of a widened vagina).

50% of post menopausal women suffer from vaginal atrophy resulting in sexual dysfunction.

Until now, treatment options were limited to physical therapy (which does not work for everyone) and surgery (invasive, risky side effects, potential for migration of mesh or other implants).  

We are THRILLED to offer The Tailored Tulip - a customizable treatment to address these concerns with almost NO downtime and minimal risk.

Tailored Tulip packages can include any combination of the following treatments:

Reeducate and rehabilitate your pelvic floor!

A non-surgical technology designed to provide Intravaginal Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to treat pelvic floor
weakness, urinary incontinence, mixed incontinence, laxity, sensation and more. VTone is an amazing postpartum rehabilitation treatment, though women of all ages appreciate the benefit.  

Your initial treatment consists of 6 sessions, 30 minutes, spaced a week apart.  Each session is the equivalent of THOUSANDS of kegels, strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor from front to back.  

You go the gym to strengthen your muscles…  Come to Vitality Bar to strengthen your pelvic floor. 


Improve blood flow, increase tissue density, and tighten skin!

With age, childbirth, and sexual activity, the tissues in and around the vaginal canal tend to age and break down the same way the rest of our skin does.  This can lead to decreased sexual satisfaction, lack of vaginal moisture, lengthening of the inner and outer labia, and incontinence.

Our most minimally invasive internal and external radiofrequency device, FormaV uses heat and energy to increase blood flow, stimulate collagen, strengthen connective tissue, and improve elastin.

FormaV is a simple 15 minute treatment that can have a significant improvement on your most common vaginal complaints, while also providing an improvement in the appearance of the outer labia.


Healing energy penetrates deeper than ever before (up to 8 mm)!

Fractional Radiofrequency Technology designed to improve collagen and elastin production in the vaginal canal and vulvar
tissue. Treatment aims to improve incontinence, increase lubrication, improve elasticity and blood flow, tighten tissue, treat incontinence, and improve the appearance of inner and outer labia. 

This in-office, minimally invasive procedure is performed in a series of 3.  Combine 8V with VTone and you can improve (or even eliminate) incontinence symptoms - with the added bonus of increased sexual satisfaction and improved appearance of the labia.   8V sends the healing power of FormaV deep into the tissues of the labia and vagina to further stimulate healing and symptom relief.


Basic Package includes 3 treatments
Diamond Package includes INA intimate skincare system AND one-year maintenance treatment 


The Tailored Tulip

Let us customize a Tailored Tulip package for you today.
Members always get 5% off our Tailored Tulip and Morpheus8 treatments.


Series of 6 $1249
Single $249


Basic Package $2499
Diamond Package $3449

VB Tailored Tulip

*includes 3 treatments FormaV/8V AND 6-week VTone
Basic Package $3249
Diamond Package $4299

Morpheus8 helps you get YOUR life back!  Imagine the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Got a question? We’ve got answers.

To find out if you’re a candidate for treatment and which options fit you best, schedule a free consultation.  You’re never obligated to purchase and our provider will discuss in detail the treatment risks, benefits, and outcome expectations.

For first-time clients, we only offer a package treatment plan. Studies repeatedly show that optimal results are achieved with 3 treatments spaced 30 days apart (FormaV and 8V). This coincides with the peak of collagen production in the healing phase. VTone is performed in a series of 6 weekly treatments for optimal results.  

While the peak of collagen production is about 30 days after treatment, the body will continue to produce new collagen for up to 90 days. We like to advise our clients that their maximal results will be visible 5 to 6 months after their initial treatment (about 3 months after their final treatment).  

For VTone, we would expect the treatment results to to take 7 weeks (one week after completion of your series).

Technically the changes to your skin are “permanent”, meaning any new collagen you build and the improved appearance is not the result of any temporary product that will dissolve or wear off. However, the skin will continue to age as skin normally would. For this reason, we recommend a “maintenance” treatment every 12 to 18 months to help slow the overall aging process and allow you to enjoy your results longer. If you delay your maintenance treatment and see a full return of symptoms, we may need to perform another series of 3 treatments.  

VTone results are expected to last 12-18 months. Most clients feel that 1-2 treatments annually is sufficient to maintain results.

FormaV and VTone have virtually no downtime. Neither of these treatments require numbing or avoiding intercourse after your treatment.

8V treatments are minimally invasive with a recommendation to avoid water immersion, vaginal contact or penetration for 48 hours.

VTone treatments are not painful, though the sensation is unusual. Our provider will start at the lowest energy levels and slowly increase to your level of comfort. Most clients are able to comfortably reach the indicated energy levels without discomfort.

FormaV sensations are warm, but never burning. No numbing is required and patients rarely describe discomfort.  

8V treatments DO require numbing. We use a custom-compounded numbing cream that is safe for the delicate vaginal tissue. Surprisingly, this area numbs quickly and completely thanks to the blood supply and nerve distribution. None of our clients have reported pain, though some have felt mild discomfort for brief parts of the treatment protocol. Our provider will communicate with you continually and adjust settings as needed.

Because we’re focusing on an area with folds, crevices and contours, the best treatment results require little to no pubic hair. We ask our clients to come in for their treatment freshly showered and clean in their vaginal area - and request that they shave most or all of the hair.  

Let’s Work Together

Prioritize Health. Prioritize Vitality. Prioritize YOU.